Space Maze Infinity

4.1 ( 91 ratings )
Spil Puslespil Arkade
Forfatter: Rishab Mehra
0.99 USD

Here is what you all have been waiting for!

Space Maze INFINITY!
Run from the space to save your life. Go through a heart pounding maze to reach the end.

There is a random maze generator which can generate more than 25 BILLION DIFFERENT MAZES!
So you can be sure that you will never again get the same maze.

1) Unlimited mazes (from small 6 by 6 to SUPER LARGE 25 by 25)
2) 2 Difficulty Levels! Easy And Hard
3) 3 Speeds! Slow Medium Fast
2) Amazing graphics.
3) Swipe Controls!
4) Gamecenter Leaderboards and Achievements!

And much more...
*IMP - Instructions inside app are not enough please look below:
How To Play:
1) Controls: Swipe right-left to turn. Double tap to U turn (180 degrees)
2) IMP: DONT look at the map above for turning look where you are moving below!
3) Score = Coin Score + Difficulty - Time Score
4) Hard Difficulty DOUBLES your Difficulty Score.
5) Speed is merely for your comfort . Use it WISELY.
6) Maze Solver - Solves the maze for you but removes coins
7) Go to Starting Point - SUPER Amazing but use it wisely

To be on the Difficulty Leaderboard YOU CANNOT use the maze solver but you can be on the points leaderboard with solver. Same Goes for achievements

Mazes 6 by 6 to 17 by 17 - All iOS devices (recommended)
Mazes 6 by 6 to 21 by 21 - iPhone 3GS,4 iPad1,2 (recommended though they can run bigger mazes with hangs)
All Mazes (upto 25 by 25) - iPad 3 , iPhone 4s

And trust me mazes bigger than 20 by 20 at Hard Difficulty is CRAZYYYY!

ATTENTION: Takes 2 - 3 games to get used to but after that its SUPER ADDICTIVE!